Review: Siege of Shadows by Sarah Raughley


In this sequel to Fate of Flames, we’re still following kick-butt girls with special powers as they fight monsters. (The author herself compared it to Sailor Moon meets The Avengers meets Pacific Rim and that’s the best description of it I’ve heard.)

Siege of Shadows on Goodreads

Fate of Flames on Goodreads

Sometimes, if I let myself, I could feel it: that unspeakable force linking one to the other. A connection. A bond. Or maybe it was just me. We’d already fought together and bled together. That may not have made us friends, but it made us something.

A team.

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Review: Hollow World by Michael J. Sullivan


Hollow World is a standalone time traveling sci-fi with a utopian-esque world and the hapless modern man that gets thrown into it. (Kind of like a more aware Time Machine. And less depressing.)

Hollow World on Goodreads

Maybe if Pax were a woman he might have offered a hug or something, but Pax wasn’t a woman. The best a man could do for another man was pretend not to see. Only Pax wasn’t a man either.
Ellis was lost.

(Truthfully, Ellis is often lost.)

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Review: Rose Point by M.C.A. Hogarth


Rose Point is the second in spacefaring (with aliens!) sci-fi series Her Instruments by M.C.A. Hogarth that started with Earthrise. Earthrise eBook is free on Amazon.

Rose Point on Goodreads
Earthrise on Goodreads
Earthrise on Amazon

Reese gave chase because she hadn’t yet pursued a woman in a fluffy gown and that was no doubt a necessary part of her role in this farce.

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Review: Fate of Flames by Sarah Raughley


Fate of Flames is the first in a YA series about teen girls fighting mysterious monsters in an alternate, contemporary Earth with the power of the elements and has a dash of diversity.

Fate of Flames on Goodreads

This mission was my chance. My chance to save people. To make something of myself. To make up for everything.

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Diversity Spotlight Thursday


Diversity Spotlight Thursday is a weekly meme hosted by Aimal from Bookshelves and Paperbacks. Every week, the participants are supposed to choose one book for each of the three categories: a diverse book you have read and enjoyed, a diverse book on your TBR, and a diverse book that has not yet been released.

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Diversity Spotlight Thursday #1


Diversity Spotlight Thursday is a weekly meme hosted by Aimal from Bookshelves and Paperbacks. Every week, the participants are supposed to choose one book for each of the three categories: a diverse book you have read and enjoyed, a diverse book on your TBR, and a diverse book that has not yet been released.

I knew, restarting a blog, that I wanted to do this meme. I had just started it when I wound up going on a hiatus and now I want to talk about these awesome/awesome-sounding diverse books.

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Review: Daybreak Rising

Daybreak Rising is a sci-fi, fantasy, dystopian amalgamation with a chosen one that failed and so much diversity you probably won’t know what to do with it. It’s the first in a projected new adult series.

Daybreak Rising on Goodreads

They wanted to see her fail. People assumed the worst of her, without getting to know her beforehand. She’d hardly heard her name in years – just, “Daybreak.”

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