Creasing Spines on Paperbacks (and why I’m careful lending books these days)

Hosted at Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer.

When reading a mass paperback book, many people fold the cover back, as if they were reading a magazine. Doing this will eventually create creases in the spine. How do you feel about this common bookish habit?

The simple answer is that I hate it. I actually had someone grab a book of mine I had on a stack of stuff and start reading the book. He mentioned to me that it was really interesting and I had seen that he was folding the book back, curling the front cover so the front cover touched the back, so I told him just don’t fold the book like that. He returned it to me pretty much immediately. (Of course, I didn’t actually loan him books anymore because prior to that, he’d borrowed a book from me and I found it laying on the floor, shoved back behind his chair in a corner of the living room. So, yeah, I took my book back and haven’t actually loaned him a book since then.)

But, anyway, I don’t do it to my books and feel that you shouldn’t do it with ones you borrow unless the owner gives you the okay. I don’t really like having those thick paperback books, you know, the ones that are a couple inches, with the spines so tight that I can feel the spine cracking under my hands. At the same time I don’t like buying used paperbacks because the spine is usually already all creased and broken. :p I don’t even really like folding my magazines over because I’ve had that loosen the staples and/or soften the pages enough to tear easily.

What do you think about this habit?

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